Waking up from Denial.

Often we who suffered the greatest trauma, we tend to go all in to the Light. We wish to believe there is in the ultimate no wrongdoing, and it is so. All is forgiven. But to truly heal we need to actually allow ourselves to feel all the deep-rooted pain that has been stored in our cellular memory for ages. We can erase the perpetrator and the victim as in the archetypes but ultimately in human experience, it is highly necessary to admit the hurt that has been caused and experience. We can't bypass the violation by saying there is none. 

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The Mass Within.

There's a reason why there are so many people awakening to their true Self at this moment. It is without question one of the times where we have been lead to believe that the ego-driven desires and momentums in life are the ones of truth, and as we've allowed that occurrence to take over and assert itself upon the many seemingly perpetual loops of humanity, we are also seeing that the ego-driven desires are merely a polarity to its own other - that which cannot be eradicated, the self-less eternal connectivity of human nature.

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