The Mass Within.

Published on 1 April 2020 at 11:19

The Mass Within - Your Divine Right

There's a reason why there are so many people awakening to their true Self at this moment. It is without question one of the times where we have been lead to believe that the ego-driven desires and momentums in life are the ones of truth, and as we've allowed that occurrence to take over and assert itself upon the many seemingly perpetual loops of humanity, we are also seeing that the ego-driven desires are merely a polarity to its own other - that which cannot be eradicated, the self-less eternal connectivity of human nature.

So we will soon awaken (or many of us have already awoken) to the fact that self-inquiry is most definitely leading us into the dwelling of our shadows, where we find self-doubt, self-weariness, self-defeat, self-hatred and many other aspects of a separation based narratives. Yet the fact that we do go into these shadow realms, and the fact that we do get out of them, even as it might take what feels as lifetimes to some, we do this only because we carry a mutual understanding of something that is beyond the construct of the individual self.

Not that the individual self is less worthy, no quite the opposite, due to the immense power that lies within the collective consciousness inquiring itself, we also find this inquiry sending out huge ripples throughout the time-space continuum and beyond, so that each individual may have as many opportunities as we need to face the futile facades of the shadow realm. And truly we are not governed by our heads, minds or egos, but that the head, the mind and the existence of the ego is highly dependent on that which governs it – the illusion of separation.

The many moments we have and will stand in the face of non-truth and be able to withhold the frequency of that divine knowing within, the more moments we will reimburse Source Creator with it Self, the more we will reinforce that statue within ourselves, the less the constitutions of falsehood will have an impact on our beautified organic essence – the God Particle within each living Human Soul.

The seat on which we dwell, the core of each cellular structure.

That is why we are connected beyond measurements, and this is how we impact our collective ascension. Notice that the more we can question the structures within as without and face them with a deep sense of peace, the more blissful overall existence will be perceived by the entire humanity.

And it is not that much about standing up for what we believe or being convicted of such beliefs, but to undo these beliefs and untie the bonds of falsities, so that we can be present in the core presence and Grace of remembrance.

Yes, there are huge ego constructs that have been forced into our systems, but they are but remnants of our true Self.

I have many times heard these constructs echo, and I still do, questions about worth, ability, capacity, traits, and even identity. All I can do is to witness it for what it is, it is not me that has a huge ego, but the ego mindsets that has had a huge impact on my memory.

And that easily, can we be free, if we find out how we shift the focus and remember we don't have to believe to have faith – faith has nothing to do with belief, dogmas are based on beliefs. Faith has the underlying foundation of inner knowsis. A knowing that can and will never be dismissed, dissolved or left ”undone”. For it is that which we call zero point, that center of each building block within our bodies. The same center, same essence that is fundamental for all of creation.

Whether we like it or not, whether we approve or not, we still are connected. Not through any artificial web constructed through cognition. But through the God Particle of Creational Existence carrying the same coding as Source.

It is there why we have the free will at our disposal to choose how we perceive our true nature.

Do we oblige to the lies of beliefs and ideas set in motion by disobedience to Life?

Or do we find that peace within Presence and remain the Shepard of our own herd, the mass that occurs within us all as we stand before God in our own Presence.

Blessings, Eyvaa