
Published on 11 March 2020 at 22:03

What is neutrality? 

Unity. Balance. Zero Point. Center Point. Core. One.

There are many names for the result of integration. There are many roads and tools. Ultimately it is a road that promotes bravery to witness and the most beneficial tool, Self-Love.

When we realize the hints we are given, the clues left unspoken and we consider them. Not the advice and cares of a mindset that wants to change us, but that of loving ourselves into awareness - that we are complete. Realizing that we are complete is one thing, but then healing ourselves on a quantum level, truly mending rifts within our cellular strands, through the daily deeds (action or non-action) we do to make amends is what puts us together as one.

We can not continue to thrive on dichotomy, nor can we set ourselves apart from ourselves.

I was addicted to the darkness. I was not accepting of light.
I thought that the darkness helped me polarize the light so that I could bask in it.
I became boastful. I became avoidant. First of the darkness, denying it. Then of the light, glorifying it.

It had to be that way. So that I could learn humility.
So that I could truly conquer my fears of my Self.
So that I could find balance without any crutches to hold on to.

Balance is neutrality. It promotes peace. It promotes tranquility.
Balance is the key ingredient in integrating your healing work.

A complete harmonized being does not attempt to withstand the balance, a complete harmonize being IS balance embodied. I don't claim I am there yet. I claim however that I have done much work and seek to no longer part take in the attempts of what a balancing act includes. If it's an act, it’s not true.

I know I desire balance with all of my Being. Balance being able to always be at peace. And I am almost at peace, always. I have no idea if I will ever be fully in balance because the human mind cannot comprehend what true balance signifies. It can attempt to define balance through symbols and codes, but balance is a harmonious state of being achieved only through full integration and total surrender to Self.

It’s a long road and the journey itself bares the riches, to find joy & peace in each moment, even in the discomfort, without judging it or trying to do anything about it. Just meeting it, seeing it and taking accountability for the change the discomfort invites in. This is being in an empowered balanced state. This is a strong bond to Self.

Now, there are many usages of the word “neutral” that is incorrect. For example, Sweden, as a country, politically called themselves neutral, especially during the second world war. One could say, they attempted to appear neutral and they probably fooled plenty - yet they supported the Nazis (for many reasons, many which we will not discuss here) mainly because they wanted to avoid conflict. Avoidance is not neutral. Avoidance is an escape. Indifference is not neutral either, indifference is detachment, sometimes it can even be fragmentation. Switzerland is another country that claims neutrality, (which is the two countries that most times get mixed up - Switzerland and Sweden -now I know why), yet they allow the Zern project to proceed despite the extreme dangers that come with and despite the deep rifts in time-space they already have forsaken. They also have the Swiss Army, which is like the national guard for the Pope and the Vatican State. That is not neutrality, that is hypocrisy. That is not fleeing their accountability.

So these were examples of how we as humans misuse the word “neutral”, often in our attempts to appear more responsible than we are.

The same goes for colors, being beige is not being neutral! Laughing my ass off here… If one wants to then no color is neutral, a neutral state is a state of no reaction, bases itself in Love and delivers grace. It has nothing to do with color as all colors are in the spectrum of Love.

So the appearance of “neutrality” may fool the human mind. That applies to all the other expressions I mentioned. Unity. Balance. Zero Point. Center Point. Core. One.

We honestly have very little knowledge of what it means as long as we want to appear to be in a state. It is a state of being that comes from within, yet it can be felt, sensed and even seen and heard externally - but only if we feel it on the inside first.

Bless - Cecilia Eyvaa